Day 1: Auckland to Singapore
Author: Steve

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Our trip to Europe was supposed to begin on Friday, not today. But last week Mum, on her way to her own European tour, was taken ill during her stopover in Singapore and admitted to hospital. Luckily, my brother Simon was with her.
Fast forward to earlier this week and Mum is out of hospital but not cleared to fly until Friday. Simon needs to get back to his own life. Solution? I change my first flight to Wednesday to stay with her for a couple of days.
Complicating matters, Linda and her Mum were both on the same booking as me. Not to worry, Singapore Airlines were fantastic and changed my flight while leaving theirs unchanged. I'll catch up with them in the transit area of Changi Airport on Friday night.
This left me just a few hours to pack and make other arrangements.

We hurriedly rescheduled our final family dinner for last night. Luckily all the kids could make it. It was the last chance to see them for over six weeks, longer for Jonty who will have left for his own trip to Europe before we get back.

Bethany wasn't working today and was kindly gave me a trip to the airport. One last farewell to the cats and I was off.

Check in and security at the airport we're quick and efficient with no queues. I was through in time to see the incoming Singapore Airlines flight arrive. It did so in the midst of a very heavy rain shower.

However, this was quickly followed by much brighter skies. Perhaps that is indicative of the rest of the trip?
The flight itself was smooth and comfortable. The meals were probably the best airline food I've ever had - well done Singapore Airlines. Usually I sleep on planes but today I just read my book and watched Netflix for 10 hours.
The flight arrived on time, immigration was painless and my bag arrived at the carousel at the same time I did. A five minute walk and I was checked in at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Mum was staying with friends, Peter and Susan, on the other side of Singapore. I had texted Peter from the baggage hall and he dropped Mum off 30 minutes later. She was looking and sounding tired.
By the time we got the light off, it was nearly midnight - 4am NZ time, making for a very long day for me.