Day 19: Lathkill Dale

Author: Steve

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For the first time in nearly two weeks we awoke to blue skies. Not that we woke early, today was a rest day after yesterday's walk (read on to see how well that worked).

This was the perfect day for a barbecue so Meryl and Pete made an emergency visit to the supermarket on their way to visit us. The result was delicious.

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After lunch, it was time for Meryl and Pete to head home as they have work tomorrow. We took the opportunity to get a photo of myself and my three cousins.

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Not quite the ten cousins Linda managed in Aberdeen but just as significant and enjoyable.

After Meryl and Pete had gone we discussed what to do with the rest of the day and decided on another walk. This one would be at Lathkill Dale, just a few kilometres up the road from Youlgreave. This time it would be a one way walk rather than a loop so there was a bit of faffing around getting cars in the right place first.

We started the walk through a non-free-range farm, then a campsite, then the free-range bit of the farm.

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Quickly, we found ourselves on a steep descent down to the river.

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Once down onto the valley floor, we followed a well gravelled path down the river.

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Halfway down the river, we came across a delightful little waterfall, a bit like Kerosene Creek but not as warm.

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While we were there, we were lucky enough to see a Dipper, a very rare bird indeed with only six pairs living on the river. This was a moment on par with Chloe's sighting of a Kiwi on the Kepler Track earlier this year. Dippers turn out to be particularly fast flying birds so we were unable to collaborate this story with a photo.

At the end of the track, we had to climb steeply back out of the valley to the village of Over Hadden where one of our two cars was stashed. The faffing about with cars was then repeated in reverse.

Back to Youlgreave, we had a dinner of leftovers and then spent the evening chatting.
