Day 2: Singapore
Author: Steve

We had a good night's sleep. Breakfast was a bit of a gamble with Mum only wanting toast but Room Service was happy to customise one of their offerings to produce three pieces of wholemeal toast and marmalade. Mum is a bit of a marmalade connoisseur and declared it was delicious, which was a relief as she hadn't been eating much recently. My Eggs Benedict were only so-so.
We have a very busy view from the window of our hotel room.

After breakfast and making sure that Mum had everything she needed, I popped downstairs to do a little exploring. First, I checked out the check in area at Terminal 3 so I'd know where to go tomorrow afternoon. It is very close, just a 100m indoors walk - or wheelchair ride - from our hotel lobby.
Next, I followed the covered walkway to the Jewel shopping centre, a further 200m away. The shopping centre is several built in a circle with the centre of the circle being a spectacular forest garden.

I thought this would be a good outing for Mum so I returned to our room and collected her, pushing her in a wheelchair that the hotel has lent us for the duration of our stay. By the time we got back, the daily "rain vortex" display had begun, making the already spectacular very spectacular indeed.

We looked at the shops and food outlets for a while and Mum asked if there was a McDonald's. There was, so we stopped for lunch. Mum could only manage some fries but it is still two meals so far today.

We finished lunch and took advantage of a 7 Eleven in the bowels of the complex to buy half a litre of milk for making cups of tea.
By the time we got back to our hotel room, it was time to have a snooze.
After waking up from that, I popped down to see the Concierge for ideas on where to go jogging. I then found an out of the way corner of the lobby and had a half hour video chat with Linda.
It was a long walk, over a kilometre, from the hotel to the far side of Terminal 2 where the jogging route started. I could have jogged the indoor corridors and public areas I walked through - the Concierge said people did - but it seemed a bit rude to be running past the hordes of travellers.

Eventually I made it to the red asphalt path that would, if I had enough time and energy, lead me all the way to the south coast and from there onwards to Marina Sands in the city. I had neither time nor energy - it was 30 degrees with high humidity - and after jogging 3km, I still had not excited the airport. But I did see lots of dinosaurs.

Lots and lots of dinosaurs.

Did I mention it was hot? I took a water bottle with me, drank the lot and refilled it from a water fountain in one of the terminals.
After returning to the hotel, I spent some time in the pool.

Mum ordered Tomato Soup for dinner. This was another winner, she drank most of it. I walked back to Jewel to find some cheaper fare. I spent a long time deciding which restaurant to eat at. Most of the ones I fancied had long queues, which suggests they would have been worth eating in if I could have got in. In the end I settled on "Greendot", a hole in the wall type place that served me with a delicious Hainanese Curry Rice accompanied by an equally delicious green tea of some description.
The rain vortex was still going. Now that it was dark, they had added a light show.