Day 41/42: Lillehammer to Copenhagen to Singapore
Author: Steve

Allow me to address a couple of potential questions. Firstly, this blog post is going to cover two days. I'll deal with that at the bottom of the post.
Secondly, those of you who saw our itinerary before we left on our trip may be asking "Copenhagen? What are you doing there?"
Up until 10 days ago, Copenhagen featured in our plans only as an airport that we would visit briefly to change planes. Then Singapore Airlines decided to move their flight forward and suddenly our connecting flight wouldn't work. So after much to-ing and fro-ing (Brussels was mentioned at one stage), we ended up with an amended itinerary that sees us going to Copenhagen a day earlier than we had planned.
The upside of this is that we would have the chance to see another place; the downside is that we leave Lillehammer and our charming lakeside house a day early.

There was no hurry, our flight wasn't until 4pm so we spent time packing and repacking our suitcases and went for a walk up to the Kiwi supermarket to stock up on chocolate.
We left late morning and stopped halfway down the lake at Hamar to stretch our legs and have lunch. We found a nice city park for this purpose.

We didn't have time for sightseeing, contenting ourselves with what we could see and photograph out the car window.

It was a short flight from Oslo to Copenhagen. We stayed in the Comfort Hotel at the airport which meant we could push our luggage there, undercover all the way, and be in our hotel room soon after landing.
It was the most basic hotel room I've ever seen. Sure, it had a bed, a loo and a shower but nothing else; certainly no tea-making facilities and only just enough towels, hidden on a shelf just out of reach.
But it was comfortable and the small window provided a bit of a view.

We didn't stay in the room for long. Copenhagen Airport is conveniently close to the city centre and we had hours to go before sunset. We took the Metro into town.

I had asked ChatGPT to plan a walking tour for me and it came up with what turned out to be an excellent itinerary. On a Monday evening, everything was closed but we wouldn't have had time to stop anyway. We'll leave that for a future trip to Copenhagen.
Copenhagen is full of sites and old buildings.

We had the chance to walk through the grounds of the Kasselet where we had our first European encounter with the often promised, but until now absent, midges.

Our destination was Copenhagen's most famous tourist attraction, the statue of the Little Mermaid. It was indeed littler than we had expected, being roughly life size (not that I am an expert on the vital statistics of a mermaid). Despite being a Monday evening, there were still plenty of tourists milling around and some skill was used in not getting any of them in our photos.

The sun was now low in the sky which made some photos better and some not so much.

There was much more to be seen as we walked back towards the city centre and Metro.

We walked through the huge courtyard in the centre of the Amalienburg Palace.

A bit more walking and as we turned a corner we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by tourists. There were lots of restaurants so this must be the place to eat dinner, with the quintessential Danish canal scenery in the background.

A quick look at the menus showed us that the locals had seen us coming so we headed away from the waterfront to find some cheaper food.
Eventually hunger drove us to stop at a restaurant on a pedestrian street. Here I had the most expensive burger I have ever had - and I've had a lot of burgers. Was it the best burger I've ever had? Probably not, but it was up there with the best. Linda had a very nice pasta.

We tthen returned to the airport and our hotel for the night. And this is where this blog post would usually end.
But the next day, Tuesday, consisted of us getting up, having breakfast and then getting on a plane to Singapore before lunch. We don't have any photos of that and the time difference means we landed in Singapore on Wednesday so this paragraph is all you are getting about Tuesday.