Day 44: Singapore

Author: Steve

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After a leisurely breakfast we made the short journey to our first visit of the day, the SEA Aquarium. We had this cunning plan that we would arrive early, before the crowds. That didn't work so well.

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There were lots of identically dressed school groups. Luckily, they were all well under a metre tall and didn't block the view at all, although the noise was a little overpowering.

The aquarium, like every aquarium, was vibrant with colour, all of which turned out various hues of blues (irrelevant aside: didn't they do well last weekend? I look forward to watching a recording when I get home in a couple of days) in our photos.

Just occasionally though, a fish would stand out and show its real colours.

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Surprisingly, perhaps, one of our favourite exhibits was the Sea Jellies (which look like a punk rock band and have the name to match, but aren't).

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The main tank is huge, with a viewing wall 37m wide and 8m high (and, reassuringly for nervous patrons, 0.7m thick).

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It took us two hours to walk around the aquarium so by the time we got back to the hotel we were ready for some serious pool time. We spent a couple of hours alternating between the pool and the lounging seats under the pool umbrella.

By the middle of the afternoon we were ready for our next adventure and left the vicinity of Sentosa for the first time, using Singapore's excellent MRT system to venture out to Gardens by the Bay.

Our first stop was at the Cloud Forest. This is a huge glasshouse but, unlike most glasshouse, it simulates a mountain forest environment and so is cool rather than warm - always a good thing on a hot Singapore afternoon.

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You get a lift to the top and then walk and escalate back down with different themes, views and walkways at each level.

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By the time we had finished in the Cloud Forest, it was time for a snack and conveniently, there was a Shake Shack right outside - have I mentioned how much I enjoy a Shack Attack?

Then we entered the second attraction, the Flower Dome.

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This was having an exhibit of roses, which made for multiple photo opportunities.

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By now the sun was setting so we walked along the promenade to Marina Sands.

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The attraction here was the nightly water and light show against the backdrop of the Singapore skyline.

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The show lasted 15 minutes with a suitably dramatic musical accompaniment.

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We then made our way back to our hotel, very satisfied with our day's outing.
