Day 5: Aberdeen
Author: Steve

Unsurprisingly, we woke early. Linda was up around 5 and I joined her an hour later. We took the opportunity to get some photos of our surroundings.

We made our first foray out to Tesco to stock up on groceries. We found some old favourites from our time in the UK 20 years ago - I'm particularly looking forward to reacquainting myself with the Walnut Loaf. The girl on checkout was very chatty and wanted to know all about our flight over.
After putting away all the groceries, we headed out again, this time to Aberdeen Beach to meet Catherine and Adam for lunch. Finding parking was difficult as, although the day was overcast and cold, half of Aberdeen had decided to promenade along the front.

We found a cafe and enjoyed a simple but adequate meal.

After lunch, I went onto the beach to test the water and declared it "swimmable" although we later discovered it was only 9.6 degrees, so perhaps jetlag was affecting my judgment.

We then walked further along the beachfront, in the opposite direction to the photo above, to the old fishing village of Footdee which, as you would expect, is pronounced "Fittee".

The houses here are small, packed in tightly and full of character.

It was a cold afternoon, despite Aberdeen apparently calling itself a "resort".
This much activity was enough for our first full day in the Northern Hemisphere so we returned to our cottage and had an afternoon snooze. It was very difficult to wake up afterwards.
Linda cooked a nice roast chicken dinner and we went for a final walk before bed.