Day 5: Mapua
Author: Steve

Sometimes, particularly on really active trips, you need a day to relax, to regather your strength, reflect on days gone by and look forward to days to come. This was one of those days.
After a long day yesterday, we were in no hurry to wake up this morning. We eventually did, of course, but we had no plans for the day beyond relaxation. At some stage, we found ourselves wandering down to the collection of shops and restaurants that make up Mapua Wharf. The tide was in and the weather, which had been overcast in the morning, was improving with the sky slowly changing from grey to blue.

We took the obligatory tourist shots (see the photo of Mat and Liz which is used as the title image for this blog post) but very few other photos so this is going to be a short blog post.
Much of our time was spent examining the menus displayed outside the various restaurants, deciding which one to bless with our patronage for our celebratory dinner on our last night on Friday. We eventually settled on "The Jellyfish" as much for the location and view as for the quality of its menu. No doubt we'll have more to say about that in Friday's blog post.
Interestingly, when I went in to book, the waitress asked for my mobile number then greeted me by name and sent a confirmation to my email - this at a restaurant I'd never eaten at before. I think they must be connected to the "Apple Shed" restaurant on the other side of the wharf, where we have been regulars on previous visits.